Tag javascript

Internet Explorer Event Handler Leaks

If you’ve been developing for the open web for long, you’ll know that Internet Explorer is the bane of any web developer’s existence. The number of CSS bugs are enough to give any web developer a headache, but then add to that JScript’s deviations from the ECMAScript 3 spec and you have yourself a pain in the neck as well. Grab your favorite pain reliever, because there is another nuisance: memory leaks.

Adding Axis Titles to DojoX Charts

DojoX charting is a very powerful 2D graphics charting solution that works cross-browser. One thing that is an often requested feature is axis titles. I’ve come up with a solution (inspired by a post on the old Dojo forums) that leverages the current API and renders correctly in all browsers. I’ll be using Dojo 1.5 from Google’s CDN plus a local module as I outlined in my local module with a CDN build tutorial.

Using Local Modules With a Cross-Domain Dojo Build

Lately, I have been using Dojo from a CDN as much as possible. There are several reasons to use a cross-domain build of Dojo that are listed here: You get more connections in MSIE, since you can load from another domain. Faster loading. You get increased cacheability/startup if many of your applications use the same installation. Resource loading does not block the rest of the page from filling in as with Dojo’s normal, synchronous loading.

Monkey patching

Recently, David Walsh tweeted that I had schooled him. I received several questions about what I had schooled him in, so I decided to blog about it. David was trying to change the behavior of a method of a widget on a page, but for all instances of that widget rather than just one instance. What follows is a lesson on monkey patching. I’m sure there are other tutorials out there about it, but this is more for my sanity (and to get David off my back about blogging) than anything else.