Tag nucleus

Move to WordPress

So, I dropped Nucleus in favor of WordPress. I’m pretty impressed with it and its editor, plus it’s pretty sleek. Now to get The Planet to update my feed link…

Upgrades and updates

After a weeks worth of trying to figure this out, I finally got the CVS version of Nucleus installed so I can use NP_Captcha to filter out comment spam. So, I have enabled comments once again on my blog and so far the plugin is working. Coaster I’m almost finished with a complete rewrite of how Coaster handles data internally. I’ve also worked on removing the dependency on Bakery to make it easier for y’all to compile Coaster (sorry, Murray ).

Upgrade and additions

I just upgraded Nucleus to 3.15. Not much has changed, but I felt like having an up to date version. I also added some syndication icons on the left hand side of my blog. I doubt I’ll have any Coaster updates for a few days because of my job. I’ve got some scripts to write that need to be done and tested by the 30th. Good news, though: I’ve been working on Undo/Redo and I have it written for removing files.

Nucleus Upgrade

Today, I upgraded Nucleus to v3.1. As you can see, it’s running fine and my plugins that I had installed in v2.5beta work great with this version. This version features a streamlined interface and better compatibility with Mozilla using forms. It’s pretty slick, so anyone running anything under v3.1 should upgrade. Plus, it gives you something to do at work when you get bored :).