Crunch Time

My wedding is tomorrow. Yesterday I got stressed out over nothing, and I’m really ready to just be married to my fiancée and go on our much needed honeymoon. Today, we’re going to the Henry Doorly Zoo to check out the penguins and polar bears. It should be a relaxing day before the blur of tomorrow :).


I’m really disappointed, but I didn’t get a release (or even a pre-release) of Coaster out. I couldn’t get burning to work on Friday, and I found some ISO preferences I wasn’t covering in the GUI, so I had to get those working as well. Now, I have the preference covered and burning semi-working (it parses a treeview to an iso volumeset, and will burn most of it before crashing), but now I just need to get to a place I can get a connection for Linux (I’m in OSX right now) since my iBook’s modem doesn’t work in Linux. The hotel where I’m staying tonite has high-speed internet, so I’ll have to wait until tonite to submit my stuff. Mark my words, I will have something to release by tonite (even if I have harshy release it for me).


Daniel Elstner has been gone for about 2 weeks now, and it kind of worries me. I’m praying he just went on vacation and didn’t tell anyone and that he isn’t going to be away from the open source community for another year. By the way, I’m going to be gone from Wednesday (the 4th) until Sunday (the 8th), so don’t be alarmed when I don’t show up on IRC at work ;).